Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hi Alex C.! Take two minutes and get back on Twitter!

Alex C.,

We've missed you on Twitter!

So much is happening right now on Twitter, and building a great timeline is the way to really enjoy the service. Get to Twitter and start building a timeline that reflects you and your interests, you'll see how quickly Twitter becomes an invaluable part of your life.


Suggestions for you to follow

Cyprien @MonsieurDream
Cyprien, 25 ans, Paris, je fais des vidéos. J'suis derrière @NarmolTshirt et @CyprienGaming
Norman Thavaud @NormanDesVideos
Les internautes ont changé ma vie. #NormanSurScène en tournée en Europe francophone - Mon snap: NormanSurSnap
Gad Elmaleh @gadelmaleh
Stand up Comedian/Comédien debout.
We have more great suggestions for you.
  Check out more people to follow  

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